* goto "Start", "Run" (if you don't see run press the Windows Key + R)
* Type in "cmd" en press "ok". a command prompt will open.
* Goto the drive where the undeletable folder resides for example D:
* So you will have type in D:
goto the folder where the problem folder is located, in my case it was located in
the folder i could not delete was called "happy tree friends" (d:\_cache\delete\happy tree friend) so i typed:
cd _cache
cd delete
* type: dir /x
* then type: rd happyt~1
The folder will be deleted.
Good luck. I hope it makes any sense, if you have any other questions just shoot!
rd = remove directory/folder
cd = change directory/folder
die vistaaa dieeee
Den einai tixaio pou ta lene stin agora
V-r-ista kai S-vista
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